Those who choose a holiday at Abbazia Santa Maria del Bosco, Relais in Sicily, will experience a relaxing stay in close contact with nature. Around the historic residence there is a dense forest and a few kilometers away, you can reach by car the Valley of Belice, a hilly area that occupies part of the provinces of Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento. Not only a journey through nature, visiting the Valley of Belice from our historic residence, but it also means getting to know and discovering a place of great historical value whose testimony is given by the presence of ancient artifacts and ruins that dominate the Valley. Those who decide to take a trip to the Sicilian hinterland to discover the Valley of Belice might want to stop at the Integral Nature Reserve Cave of Entella.
© Copyright 2024 Abbazia Santa Maria del Bosco
Company name Fingiat SpA – Via Trapani 1/D, 90141 Palermo, Italy
CF/PI 04401210820 – REA PA n°184913
Share Capital: € 2,080,000.00 fully paid up